District 8
We currently do not have any Defendant data for Kay & Noble Counties!
If you have a public complaint you would like submit please follow the link below.
Deferred prosecution agreement of Roger County ADA's for spying on Jury Deliberations.
Refused to offer email address
"Mail in Only" Policy
Brian Hermanson
District 8 is NOT in Compliance
District Attorney, Brian Hermanson, is NOT in compliance with:
The nationwide, public-facing, Brady List;
Supreme Court of the united States [SCOTUS] Brady Doctrine (1963);
Open Government Act (2007) signed by President George Bush (No. 43);
Open Government Initiative (2009) signed by President Obama (No. 44); and,
Open Government Directives (2009) issued by the United States Department of Justice.
We attempted to fax the request to their published fax # on Sept. 27th 2022
Cooperative Misconduct!
It has been brought to our attention that as the selected Special Prosecutor for the unlawful actions of Rogers County Assistant District Attorneys, Isaac Shields & George Gibbs, that DA Hermanson has gone outside of his normal approach and offered both a Deferred Prosecution Agreement! This would essentially act as a cover for the two unethical prosecutors, and allow them to continue prosecuting cases and not be disbarred for their unethical, if not Criminal misconduct.